Founder’s Note - Future

One thing you need to know about Empire is that we are here to stay. This is a message I will keep repeating over and over again. And then over and over again. Musk Not Empire is just the first step in developing our gaming ecosystem, and many powerful releases are ahead. As you may have noticed, the quantity and speed of our updates surpass anyone else. We resonate much more with the idea of delivering results rather than just talking and doing nothing. And yes, there's a pleasant bonus to all this – the Airdrop. We will distribute almost all our tokens to our community. By the way, for the second day in a row, we are the fastest-growing web-3 application on Telegram (based on daily new followers). That’s all about you. That’s all about your support. Thank you. A huge shoutout to Durov for enabling us to create products, build communities, and immerse people in the world of decentralization Looking forward to seeing what the ecosystem will be like in a year. But now back to work. Empire is the thing. Keep going. Alex.